Rakia: The queen of alcoholic beverages at the Balkans
These boutique rakias were created during the COVID lockdown – a true delight! Safrantiika – a grape rakia with saffron, Stara Saffrantiika – an aged muscat rakia with saffron, aged for 3 years in used oak barrels and Trufelinka – a muscat rakia with white truffles and cardamom. All of them are Stanimir Radichev`s products, chef from Veliko Tarnovo, who is well – known for his innovative ideas of combining dairy products with exotic spices, like white – brine cheese with truffles. “I produce around 30 – 40 products with truffles, saffron, red hot chili peppers. These expensive and exotic spices take part in a lot of my products, so I wanted to make some different kind of rakia with them. After the first COVID lockdown, we were sitting in the office, brainstorming ideas for future business projects, and I started making some samples, that turned out successful, and that was the beginning.” Stanimir Radichev explains with a smile. He thinks that customers will be interested in that type of alcoholic beverages. “They are different, boutique, in small batches, with numbered bottles. When we are out of stock, we will make new ones in the following year.” he said.
See chef Radichev`s proposals (products) here
Source: bgnes.bg